The Bobcats

By The Oatmeal

L,комиксы oatmeal,овсянка
So Bob. I've had a number of complaints Д about you batting your co-workers in the face and then sprinting out of the room ... I

This behavior is unacceptable. Ifs really distracting and I need my team operating at one hundred perc-

The Oatmeal http-//theoatmeal com,комиксы oatmeal,овсянка
о ^ О Chat with Bob


Bob. I need you to get to work on the new logo for Boyd s Toast They just called and said you haven't been returning their emails.


Apparently they've been waiting months for a new logo and they're pissed


Hello? You there?

Look, can you PLEASE just let me move to a cubicle in another part of the building? They keep leaving dead birds under my desk and sometimes they just silently stare at me for hours and hours and ifs making me really uncomfortab-

oh God "they're doing rt again. I have to go


q3 projections

The Oatmeal http//theoa+meal.corn

As you can бее. laet quarter'6 figures indicate that Q3 should eee a posrtiv-

GOO DAMNIT BOB STOP CHASING THE LASER.,комиксы oatmeal,овсянка
The Oatmeal http//tbeoatmeal com,комиксы oatmeal,овсянка
Afternoon Bob, how's tricks?

Ob bey Bob

yesterday, Frank in accounting told me to stop stealing his sack lunches from the office fridge.


I explained to that little douchecopter that the office fridge is the Vietnam of food storage -it's the law of the jungle in
I'm in position Hit the button

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1994 Toyota Cam

Runs great

Minor extenordaj