"Run Jane" says Dick.
See Dick run.
See Jane run.
See the alien run.
Run Dick and Jane, run, run, run.,Alien,AVP,Вселенная Чужих и Хищников, Aliens vs. Predator, Чужой против Хищника

Father has a gun. He shoots the alien. The gun goes bang. Bang!
Bang!,Alien,AVP,Вселенная Чужих и Хищников, Aliens vs. Predator, Чужой против Хищника

"Father has killed the alien" says Dick.
"We are safe now" says Jane.
"The alien was bad" says Dick "but now the alien is dead".
"Yes" says Jane "the alien is dead".
Dead, dead, dead. The alien is dead.
Taken from the book "Gun with Dick and Jane" published 2013,Alien,AVP,Вселенная Чужих и