Day 1. Finally decided to end it all. Death by hanging seemed to be the neatest way. Copied the knot from the Ponynet. Said goodbye to Luna. Hung there for 6 hours until the guards found me and got me down. Damn princess spell.
Day 2. Tried various mixes of poison joke and cyanide. Fit as a fiddle. Hate this spell.
Day 3. Researched the Starswirl archives for a way to undo the spell. So far no results. Trolled subjects to let off some steam.
Day 4. The bottom of a lake is really really dark.
Day 5. According to my psychiatrist, immortality is something I have to learn to live with. Tried it, lasted until late afternoon, tried to shoot myself with a pea launcher. It bounced off the horn and the wall and broke a couple of vases and smashed into a glass windows. It startled Luna and she fell into the pond. We had a laugh.
PS. memo: Call royal glassmaker to commission new stained glass window.