А вот и первая серьезная утечка готовящегося кодекса Арлекинов.

Unit Type
Infantry (Character)
Unit CompotiiW.«
I (Unique)
• Hoio-ftuit
• Harlequin's cares«
• Harlequin'« kiss
• Hip bell
Blitz: Onrc per game, at the «tart of any of the controlling player s .„ ( „„„»N'l <-i Solitaire can mow in the following manner imicatl of moving
In hauls. Harlequin I roup/s mmr fast and hit hard, relying on speed and skill to annihilate the enemy before they exxn hair lime to raise (best pint IStfemng to evade harm than rndurr it, eirry Player is equipped with a holo-svit that fragments their outline into a Won* of '«l><urnl shards.
lOlHG S°L® jnl0njj ouicasi
A-‘0U'CaS,VTvs'whl jlC,nC’ and d" SUh'
goli»iKrsa , ve,\ diffeicnt tactics «hen vou ix«d s0 " red 10 most characters *«*^№000. You can t ¡us. ^ » in Ins the ranks ol his Iriends SolW'^ cover him as he advances and let thankfully, with a Solitaire, you in,° aCt'°nv h jvc
,фэндомы,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,Wh Песочница,Miniatures (Wh 40000),Harlequins,Harlequin,Solitaire (wh 40000)