Iron Hands Medusan Immortal
[Legionary Name Redacted]
Мошсш. Clan-company Ваше of Tredecimmia
The Medusan Immortals were a cadre of warriors within the Iron Hands Legion who having fallen in defeat had been brought back from the brink of death in order to seek redemption in the fires of battle.
World Eaters
Legionary Zhukjel Dror Ваше of Treueommia
Once a member of the 8,h Assault Company of the World Eaters, Legionary Dror was one of many of his Legion betrayed at Isstvan III. His mortally wounded body was recovered during the aftermath, when it was discovered that he lived yet, albeit
World Eaters Assault Legionary
Legionary Balcoth Task Force Ycethddon Siccus Interdiction
Legionary Balcoth served in Task Force Ygethddon, a mixed Traitor Legion force named for and led by a XVl,h Legion Centurion that included units drawn from rhe Sons of Horus, Night Lords and World Eaters.
Iron Warriors Tactical Legionary
Legionary KerTheion 3“ Shock Assault Detachment, ii4,M Grand Battalion Battle of Mezoa
Newly inducted into the Grand Battalion shortly before the beginning of the Mezoa campaign as one of the few replacement warriors granted the mauled formation, Legionary Thelon
Raven Guard Recon Legionary
Veteran Legionary Alec кто Kirhane First Recon Detachment, 7 * Chatter Company от the Ebon Drake
Hundreds of thousands of Loyalist Legiones Astartes fell upon the killing fields of Isstvan and three Primarchs were presumed dead at the hands of their brothers. In the
Blackshield Marauder Legionary
Unknown Designation Irregular Leciones Asiartes Faction -Соипео the ‘Dark Brotherhood’
Pale Stars War zone [Опека/DiSOumoN/lARSA]
This unidentified Blackshield was active across the Pale Stars war zone between 008-ОЮ.М31.
In the aftermath of the Alpha Legions