Just liKe you like horses and stupid Shit like that! .
f LooK \
' let's just agree ' that me asKing Por a cup op spiders is a totally plausiBle request, and \ drop it. .
Say, do you thinK I could 8orrow a cup oP spiders?
Why do you want spiders
Um. I dunno! That's my thing, right?
You Know
The one that is now missing Prom k. your body y
What happened to your arm
^ Haha, that ' old thing? Nothing!
It was nothing, v____really. >
r Huh? > What arm?
You stubbed your arm
and stu8 a major appendage.
Actually, why don't we Porget a8out the arm Por a second.
Equius, we never really
Your eye is also missing, and there is a great deal oP blood coming Prom the t, socKet ( c
Anyway, yeah,
r Right. ^ Would you 8elieve I actually Porgot . a8out it?
Mt'S A/v\RZING how quickly you get used to seeing out op just one eye.
8y liKe, FRLLING and shit!
I dunno, man. I just did!

Haha, right!
r Yeah, you sure do sweat k a lot.
f Hey, want me ^ to go Petch you a dry towel, neigh8or? j
r mo, my ^ butler will bring me a towel at one oP his . scheduled intervals ,
i already told you
y Must 8e nice, ^ 'having a lusus that' actually serves YOU, instead oP the other, L way