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,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,forgeworld,Space Wolves,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Thousand Sons,Adeptus Custodes
,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,forgeworld,Space Wolves,Space Marine,Adeptus Astartes,Imperium,Империум,Thousand Sons,Adeptus Custodes
Space Wolves Varagyr Cataphract
Varagyr Thecn Okthein or the Blood-Worm The Woif Knoc’s Retinue, First Geeat Company The Proshjjne Censure Hosr.oof M31
One of (he hundred- strong Varagyr retinue which accompanied the Wolf King during ihe fighting at Tizca, Ortheln saw combat throughout the
The Space Wolves
'It iraftm not hnv high your walls soar,
It rnattm not how many will ansuvr your call. It mattm not how kwi your blaile glimmers, Nor how bight burns your hearth /¡w.
The wolf waits,
The wolf waits in darkness for us all.'
From the Lay of Crimnr Cold-Tongue The Fenrisinn Sagas
Much of the martial record of the Space Wolves' involvement in the latter stages of the wars of the Great Crusade remains known only to themselves, and only from time to time do their wars stray from the shadow into the light. When it occurs, this is often by simple virtue of the
Title (Formal/Base): Hie Legio Custodes Magna Imperator
Banner Imperialist Chamber Militant of the Imperial Household
Magisterium: Lex Ultima (authority within accorded duty incontestable except by the direct and expressed word of the Master of Mankind).
Cognomen (Informal): The Custodian Guard,
The Thousand Sons
Numeration: The XV* Legion
Primogenitor: Magnus the Red
Cognomen: (Prior) None.
Observed Strategic Tendencies: Psychic Warfare, Precision Assaults, Misdirection, Lore Culling, Macro-coordination Multi-theatre Campaigns
Noteworthy Domains: Prospero Allegiance: Trairoris

The truth of history is that failure does noi follow infamy. Viciory does not cling to nobility, or what some might call purity. So while many might have preferred to forget it, the Thousand Sons were not simply sorcerers, they were warriors, and highly effective warriors in