My Apology

"I'm sorry that my comic posts gotten lesser and lesser since mid of Feb 2019. My dad got sent to hospital back on feb and he found out that he has stage 4 liver cancer, I was accompanying him almost everyday in hospital and because of that I nearly have no time for other things. He recently pass away on 5th Apr, he fought well with the disease. I just settled everything and I will active again now. Once again sorry for the lack of post. (>﹏<)
真是非常抱歉,我想大家已经注意到从2月中开始我的新漫画就很少吧。是这样的,我父亲2月时送进了医院,当时发现了他患有肝癌末期。于是我近每天都在医院里陪他。最后他在4月5日他离世了。我刚刚把一切办好了,现在我又能返回正常工作了。再一次很抱歉拖稿 (>﹏<)"