Это Ревва?
Double King вспомнился
Зато он король! А мы все пидоры с джоя...
И одна принцесса.
Не пытайся,никто не поверит.
Король нищих.
шен скупец из диабло3??
Когда автор фанат жожи.
The Nothing King
To venture through the woods you must
Take heed of those who warn of dust.
Hold fast your friends and those you trust.
The lake of ash is near.
Long has he been bereft of reign,
Though rule he does in his domain.
A wilted heart filled with disdain.
The Nothing King you'll fear
To venture through the woods you must
Take heed of those who warn of dust.
Hold fast your friends and those you trust.
The lake of ash is near.
Long has he been bereft of reign,
Though rule he does in his domain.
A wilted heart filled with disdain.
The Nothing King you'll fear
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