Redwood Falls - игра в стиле фильма нечто что так и не вышла.

Была такая игра redwood falls которая так и не вышла. В стиле фильма нечто. Игра была про зомби вирус и действия происходили зимой. Игра не вышла ибо проект закрыли. Денег не хватило. Просто скинул ибо зомби в игре, должны были быть довольно необычными. Вот и все. Вообще таких игр хватает, которые закрыли на стадии разработки. Особенно 2000 годов. Особенно на PS2 и Xbox original. 
,Игры,арт,Redwood Falls,зомби
,Игры,арт,Redwood Falls,зомби
The Infection corrupts everything It touches: plana, animals, people - It changes them beyond recognition. Once infected, their mission is simple: infect others. They will take up complex behaviour to do this including searching for the uninfected, securing areas and laying spore trap». They
,Игры,арт,Redwood Falls,зомби
As the number of Infected Increases exponentially and the military begin to lose control. Lucas finds himself on the run from both the mutations and from those who'd stop them, His one chance to survive Is to destroy the source	«
of the Infection before	•
he too becomes infected...,Игры,арт
Gas Mask Trooper ^
Recruited from National Guard, nervous, they’re out of their depth; they wear nuclear/biological protective fatigues; carry side-arms and idly automatic rifles; they are used as sentries and uninfected population control. W
Elite Forces
All black camouflage gear, night-vision
The Clean-Up Squad
just when you think you can handle the infected; the dynamic changes and the military arrive. Their guns are better than yours and they’re way better at this than you. They’ll find cover, move to outflank you, cut off your escape routes and then stick a red dot between your eyes
Into the Woods
It's dark and claustrophobic, what little moonlight there is doesn't penetrate the canopy. You move slowly with your companions through the woods, laying traps as you go... but something's move out there in the trees. People disappear left and right. Suddenly you’re all alone and
The Frozen Lake
You and the other survivors race across the fragile ice on Snow Skis chased by the largest mutation you've seen so far. You fire back, shooting the ice out from beneath it but even when it goes under the creature keeps coming - smashing up through the ke to reach you. There’s no
The Sawmill
You seek sanctuary inside the Mill but the building is crawling with the Infected. You have to improvise: using whatever you can find - nail-guns, axes, saw-blades - to drive the Infected Into the logging machines. You bum everything else but the fire catches and soon the entire