NaissanceE - это приключенческая головоломка от первого лица про путешествия по массивному комплексу хаотически нагроможденных объектов.
В NaissanceE вы не встретите ни противников, ни союзников, инвентаря вам тоже не выдадут. Вы наедине с этим миром и его грандиозной архитектурой.
Не увидел на реакторе какие-либо упоминания, вот и решил сделать пост, вдруг кто не видел.
Игра от 2014г (в разработке с 2006).
Echo ( ) While I have not played this one myself, the trailers, reviews, and descriptions have convinced me that this game is the closest we thing we have to exploring an actual megastructure like the City in Blame! Even if the game itself is not particularly tonally aligned with Blame. You're essentially exploring a recursive "planet wide" structure while battling innovative combat AI that directly learn from your actions in the game.
Kairo ( ) A broody puzzle/exploration game where you wander through an ancient, monolithic, and occasionally abstract series of mysterious structures trying to figure out what happened to this place. Besides Naissancee this game comes really close to the oppressively vast mysteriousness of Blame's setting. It's more mystical/abstract to Blame's grungy cyberpunk, but overall it's a wonderful experience that I highly reccomend.
Hiversaires ( ) This is a wonderful weird little IOS/Android port of a point and click puzzle game that has you moving through 3d rendered environments very similar to Blame!'s aesthetic. Very confusing initially, no text in the game, and I would recommend playing this with a notepad to keep track of the various symbols, puzzles, and locations you come across.