Ну что, пришёл компромисс от AS

Инфа из 3-х рук, но сомневаться в этих руках не смею. Собственно текст:

"Our goal at ArtStation is to empower artists with tools to showcase their work. We have updated our Terms of Service to reflect new features added to ArtStation as it relates to the use of AI software in the creation of artwork posted on the platform.

First, we have introduced a “NoAI” tag. When you tag your projects using the “NoAI” tag, the project will automatically be assigned an HTML “NoAI” meta tag. This will mark the project so that AI systems know you explicitly disallow the use of the project and its contained content by AI systems.

We have also updated the Terms of Service to reflect that it is prohibited to collect, aggregate, mine, scrape, or otherwise use any content uploaded to ArtStation for the purposes of testing, inputting, or integrating such content with AI or other algorithmic methods where any content has been tagged, labeled, or otherwise marked “NoAI”."

Странно, что нейроарты не запретили, но в целом, я думаю этот вариант устроит каждого, кому не нравится, что их работы идут в нейронку. Это куда лучше, чем вариант "Отстёгивать художникам за использование их работ нейросеткой"