□ Anonymous 11/11/23(Sat)05:10:44 No.259403316 ► File: fSubsPleasel Sousou no Fn' . i jpg (479 KB. 1920x1080)
»259385651 .OPi
Elves are just jealous because demon girls are way cuter.,Anime,RDR, Reshotka Democratic Republic,фэндомы
□ Anonymous 11/10/23(Fri)23:32:26 No.259393846 ► »259394251 File: 1699052422898445.jpg (22 KB, 344x135)
Can't believe they killed an upstanding member of the demon community so callously. Aura was a good girl; she sent pretended to like humans and dindu nuffin.,Anime,RDR, Reshotka Democratic