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может боян... но смешно

Посвящается половине джоя: вы нахуя ценз*рите мат, блять?,джой,мат,лимонная кислота

Лидское Бархатное

У товарища родился сын. Отмечали как могли )))
seven russian swear words
Blyad — litoroliy,
'whoro.' This word is usu-oily encounter od in its contracted form 'blyo,' o particle used mamly for omphasis, oddmg o touch of lurid color of the end of j absolutely any phrase. *Ty chyo,
I blya?' (Whot the fuck oro you« doing/saying?) could be on
Mudak — literally, "testicle." This word is never used in its origi-
nal meaning, but has come into
common currency to mean an "asshole" or "dickhead," i.e. a man you find disagreeable. This word is at the softcore end of the mat spectrum, but a phrase like "on polny mudak," is still a dire
Ex	Srat — literally, "to
|	shit." This word has
spawned a mass of colorful derivatives. An enduring favorite is "zasranets" — a pest, often used offectionately. "Obosratsya" literally means to shit oneself, but is most often employed to mean "to fuck up" i.e. "to make an embarassing mistake." To

"Opyot noshi prosroli" is what people soy after seeing the Russian football team play.,мат

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