
Retribution of Scyrah


Eiryss, Angel of Retribution

Garryth, the Blade of Retribution

Даже среди охотников за магами Гаррит считается фанатиком. Он несется по полю битвы, как буря, позволяя смерти, принесенной его пистолетами и их острыми лезвиями, служить молитвами пораженной богине.


As regal as its name suggests, the Imperatus was engineered to be without peer. The myrmidon wields a pair of blazing thermal blades to deadly effect, annihilating foes in a flurry of fiery impacts. At a distance it musters energy from its field to empower the Halation cannon, a weapon that can direct a concentrated burst of superheated energy with pinpoint accuracy. Its most astonishing feature is the Phoenix Protocol, a failsafe system that can rapidly restore the Imperatus to full fighting force.
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