Дневник разработчиков Stellaris №129 — Обновление традиций

Всем привет! Сегодня вы сможете насладиться ещё одним дневником разработчиков, и нудные трудовые будни вмиг сменятся предвкушением и радостным ожиданием. Как и было обещано, мы продолжим раскрывать подробности обновления 2.2 «Ле Гуин», и сегодняшней темой станут традиции и то, как они были обновлены для совместимости с новыми системами игры.

И, как всегда, я считаю своим долгом напомнить вам, что мы не готовы что-либо сказать о дате выхода 2.2 «Ле Гуин», на картинках могут присутствовать заглушки, интерфейс недоделан, числа неокончательны.

Что ж, приступим! Разумеется, с переделанной экономикой мы должны были обновить традиции, но нашей второстепенной задачей было сделать их более определёнными. Древо традиций должно быть привязано к какой-то теме или стилю игры, и при этом бонусы от него должны быть уникальными и как можно более интересными.


Традиции экспансии сфокусированы на ускоренной колонизации, наращивании обширной популяции и вообще большой империи как таковой.
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We must expand our civilization to new systems and planets or risk eventual extinction.
Adoption Effect:
Colony Development Speed increased by
Finisher Effect:
Adopting all Expansion Traditions will reduce the amount of £ Pops required to upgrade our (ife Colony Shelters by 5.
Reach for the Stars
The frontiers of our star nation are being pushed ever forwards. Soon, nothing in this galaxy will lie beyond our grasp...
Starbase Influence Cost reduced by 10%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Courier Network
A network of small courier vessels is a reliable alternative for transporting VIPs or delivering messages that can't be trusted to FTl communications. This will tie our far-flung colonies more closely together.
Administrative Cap increased by 20.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris
S-	p
Galactic Ambition
The banner of our great empire will one day be as common as hydrogen throughout the galaxy.
Starbase Upkeep reduced by 20%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Colonization Fever
Colonization fever seems to have gripped the populace. Their enthusiasm and patriotic fervor grows for every new world claimed by our colonists.
New colonies start with 1 additional 2 Pop.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
m m
A New Life
A new life awaits our citizens in the off-world colonies. A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure! With the help of an aggressive marketing campaign, the less fortunate elements of our society will be flocking to our colony ships.
X Pop


Традиции господства больше не фокусируются на вассалах, вместо этого они уменьшают преступность, увеличивают производительность рабочих и рабов, а также улучшают правителей и губернаторов.
5/5,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
If we do not impose our will on others, they will inevitably impose theirs on us.
Adoption Effect:
Clear Blocker Cost reduced by 33%. Finisher Effect:
Adopting all Domination Traditions will increase our Monthly Influence by 1. In addition, we will unlock 1 Ascension Perk Slot.
Colonial Viceroys
Our control over the colonies is dependent upon us finding capable and loyal individuals that can be trusted to enforce the will of the government.
Governor Level Cap increased by 2.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Imperious Architecture TODO (CD)
[fir, Capitol Buildings and (fig Luxury Residences provide +1 Housing each.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Grand Council TODO (CD)
Ruler Level Cap increased by 2.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Judgment Corps
Sprawling cities and isolated mining stations both have unique challenges associated with crime prevention. To expedite law enforcement we have made the judicial process more efficient by combining the roles of judge, jury and enforcer.
|jf Enforcers reduce Crime by an
Workplace Motivators TODO (CD)
Resource output from Workers and Slaves increased by 5%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary


Традиции процветания концентрируются на улучшении планет и специалистов.
,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
There Is no better Indicator of the success or failure of a star nation than the strength of its economy.
Adoption Effect:
Mining Station Output increased by 10%. finisher Effect:
Adopting all Prosperity Traditions will give our planets 1 Merchant Job per 50 » Pops. In addition, we
Administrative Operations As our empire continues to grow, eliminating corruption and inefficiency is of critical importance. These credit drains must be plugged!
Building Upkeep and District Upkeep reduced by 10%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
The Pursuit of Profit
The pursuit of profit has become a central tenet of our society. Those who are successful at any kind of enterprise are deeply admired, and the accumulation of energy credits is seen as an extremely worthwhile goal.
Specialist Output increased by 5%.,Stellaris,Игры
Interstellar Franchising TODO (CD)
City Districts provide 1 additional / Clerk Job.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Standard Construction Templates As technology advances and becomes ever more complex, new demands are placed on our worktorce. By using standardized construction templates, our workers can build things without necessarily having to understand the tlner points.
Buildings and Districts
Public Works Division TODO (CD)
City Districts provide 1 additional Housing.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary


Традиции гармонии фокусируются на самодостаточности, благах и стабильности.
5/5,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Few things can match the strength ot a content populace working towards a common goal.
Adoption Effect:
£ Pop $ Food Consumption reduced by
Finisher Effect:
Adopting all Harmony Traditions will increase V Stability on all our planets by 5%. In addition, we will unlock 1 Ascension
Mind and Body
By embracing a combination of new meditation techniques and healthier eating habits, a large segment of our population enjoys a greater life expectancy than ever before.
Leader Lifespan increased by +20 years.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
A true sense of kinship has developed between all the citizens of our great star nation, regardless of their place in the social order.
The time It takes for unemployed X Pops to demote to a lower Stratum is reduced by
50%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Bulwark of Harmony
All organisms, no matter how perfect, must rely on an immune system to ward off the threat of outside disease. Our society is no different.
While in a defensive war with another empire. Ship Build Speed is increased by +339L In addition, the Ship Fire Rate Is
The Greater Good
Our entire population takes comfort in the knowledge that they are working together for the greater good, each one a small but important part of a vastly larger whole.
Governing Ethics Attraction increased by
+25%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Utopian Dream
TODO (CD) Long the promise of a better world has driven our progress...
Pop Amenities Usage reduced by 10%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary


Основной темой традиций превосходства является доминирование в космосе. Вы сможете строить большие флоты и улучшать больше звёздных баз, причём и те и другие станут сильнее.
5/5,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
The future of this galaxy belongs to those who are strong enough to seize it.
Adoption Effect;
Starbase Capacity increased by 2 and Army Damage increased by 20%.
Finisher Effect:
Adopting all Supremacy Traditions will unlock the War Doctrines Policies. In addition, we will unlock 1
w m
Master Shipwrights The ever-increasing scope of our ship-building programs has led to the creation ot highly-skilled and efficient labor forces at our shipyards. Methods have continually been refined, and the time it takes to go from hull plating to a completed starship is now shorter than
Fleet Logistics Corps
With ships often deployed across vast
interstellar distances, a dedicated Logistics
Corps is needed to make things run
Ship Upkeep reduced by 10% and Naval Capacity increased by 20%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
War Games
A strong war game tradition has taken root among the senior officers of our fleets, whether the games be computer simulations or actual exercises in space. This has encouraged our admirals to think outside the box resulting in numerous tactical innovations and new strategies.
f? &
Overwhelming Force TODO (CD)
Ship Fire Rate increased by +10% and Orbital Bombardment Damage increased
by +20%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
The Great Game
As we continue to expand, other empires will inevitably challenge our claims, as we would theirs. We are locked in a great game ot resources and territory. It is nothing less than our duty to come out on top.
Starbase Damage increased by 20% and Starbase Upgrade Cost


Дипломатические традиции сосредоточены на федерациях, галактическом рынке и торговле.
5/5,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
The surest way to destroy your enemies is to make them your friends.
Adoption Effect;
Diplomatic Influence Cost reduced by 50% and Pop Growth from Immigration increased
Finisher Effect:
Adopting all Diplomacy Traditions will increase our Trust Cap by +50 and our Trust Growth
The Federation
We must build stable and lasting partnerships with our neighbors, based on trust and mutual respect. Together we are far stronger than we could ever hope to be alone.
Unlocks Diplomacy: Form Federation,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Entente Coordination
Perhaps the most important purpose of any successful interstellar federation is the mutual defense of its members. We have an obligation to contribute as much as we can.
The amount we contribute towards the Federation Naval Capacity counts for twice as much.
,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Insider Trading TODO (CD)
Market Fee reduced by 10%.,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Secure Shipping TODO (CD)
TODO reduced piracy,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary


Традиции открытия сосредоточены на исследованиях и изучении космоса.
5/5,Stellaris,Игры,Stellaris Dev Diary
Our curiosity about the universe is what got us this far, and there is still so much left to discover.
Adoption Effect:
Anomaly Research Speed increased by
Rnisher Effect:
Adopting all Discovery Traditions increases our Research Speed by +10%. In addition, we will unlock 1
To Boldly Go
A new age of exploration is upon us. As we once mapped the surface of our homewortd, we must now brave new terrain - space. There is a galaxy full of wonder waiting to be discovered.
Survey Speed increased by +35% and Science Ship Disengage Chance increased
by +50%.
Science Division
The number of science and medical officers has been increased throughout the fleet, organized into a special Science Division. To support this corps of officers, new training programs have greatly accelerated the rate at which we commission new science officers.
Databank Uplinks
High-capacity quantum bands dedicated to databank transfers make possible virtually completely synchronous research operations across vast distances.
Allows Science Ships to Assist Research on colonies, increasing planetary research production by an amount determined by
Polytechnic Education In this age of increasingly advanced technology, a basic education in polytechnics and applied science will benefit all of our citizens. This will Inevitably lead to more qualified leaders.
Leader Experience Gain increased by +25% and Leader Level Cap increased by 1
Faith in Science
The public has come to regard science as something almost akin to a religion - their faith in it is absolute. There is no question in this universe so big that it cannot be answered by science.
# Pops working with Research have their Upkeep reduced by 20%.,Stellaris

Таким образом, мы рассказали о большей части традиций и их интеграции в новую систему. Как вы могли заметить, над некоторыми из них ещё нужно поработать. Кроме того, мы наверняка будем что-нибудь в них менять, все числа неокончательные и всё такое.

Присоединяйтесь к нашему сегодняшнему стриму в 17.00 мск, где мы чуть больше поговорим о традициях и, возможно, покажем уникальные традиции для гештальт-сознания и поборников чистоты.
На следующей неделе мы продолжим безжалостно дразнить вас новостями о предстоящем обновлении и покажем несколько новых технологий. Не забудьте отметить эту дату в своём календаре!

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