Вот прода, а кому нужен перевод просите YanByan'a
Summoners hid dark \ secrets from the people of Valoran, I'm guessing you've heard about them
And I think there’s something big heading our way, and Katarina may hold information^oncerning it. But revenge blinds her, so I have
I thank you for your consideration but we already dealt with Noxus in
Of all the dogs in existence...
I get the fiercest
.■ Sinister Blade, |\ surrender and face justice or die where you stand.
/i don’t''* i think I
I’m sorry, I have no time for your games
The poison, right ?	.
I don’t think you understand the
Was it...?J
\[7 Yes... The^ f I Shadow Blade
It is no use to run after her for now if Zed is still around. We may fall into a trap. > Let’s just wait... She has nothing else J to do in Ionia and we already J . know her destination. I"	—l\
What are ou lookin: for, red lady ?
What lies beneath
How unexpected. What brings the Might of Demacia to Ionia ? ^^There is no celebrations yet.
i think i a know what W you’re refer- y ring to. The \ murders, by the hands of the Sinister Blade ?
My apologies.^ I wish I could have sent / word about my arrival, duchess, but \ * the things, have
Ionia is still part of this world. And as long as you refuse to look the snake in the eyes, it may bite you from behind.
However I won’t go against your will and I will leave if my presence k here is not wanted.
But your presence has no meaning in these lands.
I’m not dismissing , you. A
no matter who they are
Ive made all this way to understand what’s
V in your mind
V Sinister Blade.
Well well...
Garen Crownguard. The vanguard’s captain so called “Might ^ of Demacia”
Does your father’s disappearance justify so much blood spill ?
They would have been punished one
; game is over CrownguarcL,Night's Aegis,LoL Comics,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы
When she came to solve the plot about Relivash along with the prince...?
I won’t kill you,
Because I > actually owe you
But I won’t repay the favour again
v,); / If you I follow
You look weakened by your fight, j
Looking for something ?
I’m not..l going anywhere for now
How does