Нейросетевая Реактор-тян

Благодарю Ascard за помощь в освоении Stable Diffusion.
Кактус в руках пришлось отбросить так как руки всегда рисуются криво.
Seed: 1958886208, Variation seed: 46774730, Variation seed strength: 0.5
Seed: 3935119695, Variation seed: 46774738
Prompt: (realistic detailed painting),  ((full-length portrait)), (female), (realistic european face), ((solo)), (((nude))), posing,  short orange hair, ((face freckles)), detailed blue eyes, ((fox ears)), neck collar with bell, medium sized breasts with nipples, pussy, smile, field, flowers, hills, grass, trees, sunny weather, spring, [clouds]
Negative prompt: (((male))), out of focus, depth of field, focal blur, sun, feet, asymmetrical breasts, many characters, (((dark skin))), child, clothing, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, asian, dress
Steps: 5, Sampler: DPM adaptive, CFG scale: 7,  Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 640x960, Model hash: 925997e9, Model: novelai, Variation seed strength: 0.5, Clip skip: 2
Upscale: CodeFormer w: 0.5, CodeFormer visibility:0.5 Upscale: 4, model:ESRGAN_4x